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Learn the process to troubleshoot the QuickBooks error 6144 when opening a company file or restoring a backup:

The revolution sprawled by the QuickBooks desktop software has transformed the accounting industry completely. This software has not just assisted businesses in carrying out accounting and bookkeeping but also helped in providing a fillip to productivity. Also, it has attracted entrepreneurs with its top-required amazing features. These features are what make it stand out from other accounting software. But at the same time, the fact that this software is prone to certain errors can’t be overlooked. One of the most common errors that are reported by users is QuickBooks error code 6144, 82, or 6144, 301. Through this article, we will elaborately discuss this error in detail.

This error is often encountered when you attempt to access your QuickBooks desktop company file. When this error occurs, it stops you from performing any task through the main or other systems. Error 6144 can be easily fixed if the below-given steps are followed properly. In various instances, you will need to close your QuickBooks desktop on all systems and disable the antivirus. For more information, make sure to sail across the article and visit each section very carefully. For many users, this issue may seem to be difficult to deal with. If you are experiencing the same intricacies, don’t feel hesitant to reach out to our support team by calling our dedicated helpline number i.e., 1-800-761-1787. Contacting our experts may provide great assistance in solving the problem. We will solve the issue for you in under an hour.

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QuickBooks Error Code 6144: A brief overview

This error is one of the most common errors that you might come across, and it doesn’t let you perform any task. You might end up in this error if you attempt to access or modify the company file. It can also crash the active program, which is extremely annoying to handle. However, the good news is that QuickBooks error code (-6144,-82) is fixable, and you can easily resolve it by ensuring adherence to a few effective steps. There can be certain causes for this error, which we will discuss later in this article.

Important points to understand

Before we jump on to the causes or the process to fix the QB error 6144 issue, it is very important to consider the below-stated pointers. Let us have a look at what those points actually are:

  • Implement all the steps on the host system, i.e., the server system, except the last step.
  • Make sure that all the systems are properly shut down, including the host or other.
  • Turn off the system security software.

What factors lead to Error code 6144 in QuickBooks?

Coming to the factors causing the issue, there can be many. We have jotted down some of the most common ones.

  • Network issues on the server or the system, in particular, can instigate this error.
  • Corrupted Windows system files or QB-related program files are affected due to a virus or malware infection.
  • Another factor leading to the Error 6144 or Error Code 6144 82 can be the inadvertent deletion of QB-related files.
  • A recent QuickBooks-related change can also induce corruption in the Windows registry, ultimately leading to the error.
  • Incomplete installation or damaged download of QuickBooks.

Signs and Symptoms of the QuickBooks Error Message 6144

Now that you know what leads to this error, you must also know the ways to identify the same. The below-listed signs and symptoms are quite conspicuous upon the arrival of this error:

  • The active program crashes, or the system experiences frequent crashes while running the software.
  • Windows starts running sluggishly and does not respond to the keyboard and mouse inputs.
  • The system might also freeze for a few seconds.
  • The error itself appears on the screen, but with a slight alteration in the error code i.e., it shows up as 6144, 82.
QuickBooks Error Code 6144 - Screenshot Image

Also Read: Steps to Fix QuickBooks Unable to Connect to Remote Server Issue

Effective Methods to Rectify the QuickBooks Error Code 6144, 82

Now that you have gone through the various causes and symptoms of this QuickBooks error 6144, let us now learn how to fix it. So, without wasting any time, let us quickly go through each step and implement them to rectify the error.

Method 1: Start the QuickBooks service

  • Initially, proceed to the Start menu and then hit on the Services tab.
  • Hit on the QBCFMonitoringservice icon in the services list.
  • Verify that the services started and are set up in Automatic mode.
Start QuickBooks Service Option - Screenshot Image
  • In case the services are not in Automatic mode, then Verify the radio tab and hit Apply and OK options, respectively.

Method 2: End the Programs Conflicting with QuickBooks Desktop

You should remember that when you have a runtime issue, the most likely cause could be some conflicting programs that running in background. You must thus stop these programs and services. Follow these steps to accomplish the same thing:

  • At firstly, press the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys simultaneously to launch Task Manager.
Close QBW32.exe process - Screenshot
  • After that select the Processes tab, and next to each dubious program or service that you suspect of conflicting with QuickBooks.
  • Now hit a click the End Process to terminate all the running processes.
  • If the error persists after you halt a process, you need to quickly pinpoint the program that is the cause behind the QB error code 6144.

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Method 3: Change the account type

  • In the inception, change the Account type, by hitting on the Start menu.
  • Proceed to the Control panel and choose the User Account option.
  • Next, hit on the Add/remove user account tab.
  • Also, choose QBDserviceuser23 and modify the account type as per the requirement. It can be done by verifying the administrator user.
Change the account type - Screenshot Image

Method 4: Create folders in the C Drive

You are now required to create a new folder with the name QB in the C drive. Subsequently, choose the read/write options for all the folders. The folders that you need to create are mentioned below:

  1. Administrator
  2. Add system
  3. QBDataServiceuser23
  4. Add user
  5. Everyone
Allow the permissions - Screenshot Image

You need to Allow permissions for the complete folder list. Also, hit on the share icon to share all the folders.

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Method 5: Copy the company file into the new folder

After creating the folder, copy the company file to the new folder. It should be noted that excessive file size may also be a reason behind the corruption of files. As such, the software doesn’t open up.

  • Proceed to the Users option in the C drive. Follow it up by hitting the Public icon.
  • Afterward, choose the Public documents tab and then hit a click on the Intuit icon.
  • Next, hit on the QuickBooks icon and also the company files.
Copy the company file in the new folder - Screenshot Image
  • Now, you will see the Default Company file location.
  • Lastly you need to Copy and paste the QuickBooks file into a new folder. Also, avoid cut paste method to move the company file, as it may lead to corruption. This might resolve the error message 6144 from QuickBooks desktop.

Method 6: Setup inbound and outbound firewall rules

  • To proceed ahead, choose the Windows firewall option in the Firewall tab.
  • Afterwards, in the Advanced settings tab, visit the Inbound rules option.
  • Subsequently, move to New rule and port icons, respectively.
  • After that, hit Next.
Firewall ports-screenshotFirewall ports-screenshot
QuickBooks Desktop Port Number - Screenshot Image

To get the dynamic port number, follow the steps below:

  • Initially, hit on the Windows Start menu.
  • Enter QuickBooks Database Server Manager into the search bar.
  • Double-click on the QuickBooks Database Server Manager icon to open it.
  • Proceed to the Port Monitor tab.
QuickBooks Port Number - Screenshot Image
  • Find your QuickBooks version.
  • Take note of the Port Number. You’ll use this for your firewall port exception.

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Method 7: Run the QuickBooks database server manager

  • The initial step requires you to move to the Programs list and then hit on the QuickBooks icon.
  • Subsequently, choose the QuickBooks database server manager icon from the drop-down list.
  • Afterwards, hit on the Add folder tab.
  • After that, Search and Add the QuickBooks folder in the system C drive and then minimize the tab.
Choose folder in QuickBooks Desktop Database Server Manager - Screenshot
  • The concluding step requires you to hit on the Start Scan tab. This will initiate the scanning process of the QuickBooks company file.
Scan Company File in QuickBooks Database Server Manager - Screenshot

Method 8: Restore the QuickBooks company file

Open or restore company file in QuickBooks - Screenshot
  • Select your QuickBooks company file and then Get back to business.
  • Moving ahead, access the files in multi-user mode.
  • Ensure that the hosting is enabled, and also visit the File. After that, hit a click on the Utilities icon.
Utilities option - Screenshot
  • Now hit a click on the Stop multi-user access option. This will ensure that you are able to access the company files on the server system.
Stop Hosting Multi-User Access - Screenshot

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Steps to Resolve QuickBooks Error 6144, 301

In case the method listed prior fails to fix the QuickBooks error 6144 issue, it is recommended to check out the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Make use of the QuickBooks file doctor tool

Downloading and using the QuickBooks file doctor tool can assist you in rectifying the error without any hassle. This tool is designed and developed in a way that it has the capability to diagnose and fix QB errors by itself. You simply need to download the tool from the tools hub program and subsequently install it onto the system to run it.

  • Initially, shut down your QuickBooks program.
  • After that download the latest version of QuickBooks Tool Hub from here.
  • Next, you need to open the downloaded file (QuickBooksToolHub.exe)
  • To install the tool hub software on your system, hit a right click on QuickBooksToolHub.exe and tap on Run.
  • In the next step you need to go through the on-screen steps to install and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the software.
  • Once the installation process complete, you need to double-click on the tool hub icon to open the tool.
  • From the tool hub program, you need to select Company File Issues and then choose Run QuickBooks File Doctor.
QuickBooks file doctor in tool hub - Screenshot Image
  • This process may take one or more than one minute to open the file doctor.
  • Once the file doctor open you need to select your Company file from the drop-down menu.
  • Here after, choose Browse and search to find your damaged company file.
QuickBooks file doctor in tool hub - Screenshot Image 2
  • Now choose Check your file option and then hit a click on Continue. Wait for few minutes to scan the file.
QuickBooks file doctor in tool hub - Screenshot Image 1
  • Lastly, you need to put your QuickBooks admin password and then select Next tab.
QuickBooks file doctor in tool hub - Screenshot Image 3

Step 2: Reinstalling the QuickBooks software

There can be a situation when the file doctor also fails to fix the issue; then, in that case, you can simply re-install the QuickBooks software. It should be noted for performing this process; it is supposed to have admin rights. Also, you should have the installation CD of QuickBooks.

For Windows Vista, 7, or 8

  • Access the Run window by pressing the Windows and R buttons together.
  • Furthermore, open the Control panel and hit Enter key.
  • Under the User accounts and family safety options, choose Add or remove user accounts.
User accounts and family safety - Screenshot Image
  • Follow it up by Clicking on the particular qbdataserveruserxx which is similar to the version you are using:
    • QuickBooks 2013: qbdataserviceuser23
    • QuickBooks 2012: qbdataserviceuser22
    • QuickBooks 2011: qbdataserviceuser21
    • QuickBooks 2010: qbdataserviceuser20
    • QuickBooks 2009: qbdataserviceuser19
    • QuickBooks 2008: qbdataserviceuser18
    • QuickBooks 2007: qbdataserviceuser17
    • QuickBooks 2006: qbdataserviceuser16
  • Hit on the Delete the account option.
  • Finally, reinstall the QuickBooks software.

For Windows XP

  • Hit a click the Start tab and then choose the Control panel.
  • Afterwards, double-click the User accounts option.
  • Click the Specific qbdataserviceuserxx that is similar to the QuickBooks version you are using:
    • QuickBooks 2013: qbdataserviceuser23
    • QuickBooks 2012: qbdataserviceuser22
    • QuickBooks 2011: qbdataserviceuser21
    • QuickBooks 2010: qbdataserviceuser20
    • QuickBooks 2009: qbdataserviceuser19
    • QuickBooks 2008: qbdataserviceuser18
    • QuickBooks 2007: qbdataserviceuser17
    • QuickBooks 2006: qbdataserviceuser16
  • Hit on the Delete the account option.
  • Reinstall the QuickBooks software.

Related Article: Resolve Company file is missing or cannot be found issue in QuickBooks

Step 3: Alter the filenames of the ‘.TLG’ and ‘.ND’ files

Rename the .TLG and.ND files - Screenshot
  • Initially, access the QuickBooks folder and Move to the company files location.
  • Look for the TLG and ND files.
  • Next, hit a click on the .TLG and .ND file and right-click on the file and choose the Rename option.
  • You need to rename the files by adding ‘.OLD’ at the end of the file name.
  • It will prevent QuickBooks from accessing this file. As a resort, the software will create new files when opened.

Winding up!

We have tried to scribble all possible solutions that you can implement by yourself in order to fix the QuickBooks error code 6144. In certain cases, you may end up in more trouble, or you’re not able to properly incorporate the solutions, ending up in encountering the same error again. In such situations, contacting our support executives with the help of our dedicated support line, i.e., +1-800-761-1787, can work amazingly for you.

You can discuss the issue directly with our QuickBooks desktop support team and ask our certified professionals to fix the error on your behalf. We are a hub of technocrats, who work round the clock to offer the best possible support services to you. Don’t think too much, Just ring us and let us do the rest. We are available to help you 24X7X365

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Error code 6144 in QuickBooks?

This error belongs to 6xxx series of error codes that related to company file. It might appears on your screen when opening the company file and that has some corruption or data damage.

What are the symptoms of QB Error 6144?

Some of the highlighting signs associated with this error are:
1. The computer experiences frequent freezing, or QuickBooks crashes immediately when opening the company files.
2. The error message pops up when opening the company files.
3. All inputs given to the system take longer time to process.

What is Error 6000 301 and Error 6000 82?

Both of these error codes indicate the company file issues and appear when users try to open or modify the company file.


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