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Learn the complete process to fix Error PS032, or PS077 while updating Payroll in QuickBooks Desktop:

In the process of using QuickBooks accounting software, users might eventually land upon some technical glitch. These technical snags might include the Error PS077 or PS032. Well, this type of bug indicates that the settings of the software are misconfigured or incorrect. This error code, in certain situations, can be pretty much difficult to tackle. The software throws the error message associated with this payroll error whenever the software has any issue in installing the payroll tax table update.

This segment will provide you with a better insight into QuickBooks error code PS077 or PS032. Hence, stick around till the end and unleash the strategies to be implemented to shun off the bug easily. Or connect with our U.S based accounting experts at 1-800-761-1787 today!

Related Post: What is QuickBooks Payroll Error PS058?

A Gist About QuickBooks Payroll PS032 or PS077

As we discussed earlier, these payroll errors are often encountered when downloading the payroll updates and come up with a warning message stating as:

Payroll Update[PS032] QuickBooks can not read your payroll setup files, Note the message number at the beginning of this message, and click Help for troubleshooting tips to resolve this problem.
QuickBooks Error Code PS032 - Screenshot Image

When payroll error code PS077 occurs you may see the following error message on your desktop screen:

QuickBooks: Problem having trouble installation payroll tax table update.Error PS077 When Downloading Payroll Updates

A user has not registered QuickBooks software or the Company file is damaged or corrupted.
QuickBooks Error Code PS077 - Screenshot Image

Though you might be able to update the tax table after coming across such an error, but you wouldn’t be able to carry out the further tasks. Users should be aware of the fact that any error code with prefix PS in QuickBooks indicates such payroll error. One can easily spot or identify this error with the help of the below discussed signs and symptoms.

  • As a result of this error, you might not be able to download the payroll updates.
  • Another sign of PS032 or PS077 can be if the tax table fails to update or gets stuck in the middle of the process.
  • An error message popping up on the screen can be a clear indication of this error.
  • Also, system freezing up can be another easy indicator of these payroll errors.

What instigates QuickBooks error code PS032 or PS077?

  • You can end up with this problem if the tax table file is corrupted or if there is invalid in the components/payroll folder.
  • If the QuickBooks company files are corrupted or damaged.
  • Another reason can be if you aren’t registered in QuickBooks.
  • The billing details are out of the date and it might be corrupt.

Key points to consider

Before you dig in deep, it is very much important to take into consideration the key pointers that would influence your solution steps. Let us explore the pointers together:

  • Before heading to the solution steps, you will have to validate the QuickBooks payroll subscription.
  • You will have to verify that the billing information entered in the payroll account is correct and appropriate.
  • Updating QuickBooks application to the latest release is another important task that you will have to perform.
  • Make sure that only one QuickBooks application is installed on the system.
  • Along with that try repairing the QuickBooks desktop application, to avoid any complications.
  • Backing up the QuickBooks company file is also suggested.

See this also: Troubleshooting steps for QuickBooks Update Error 15240

Required Solutions for Error PS032, or PS077 While Updating Payroll in QuickBooks Along with Valid Causes

Often the solution to an error depends on what triggered the error. So, here is a detailed analysis of the causes and fixes of QuickBooks payroll error PS077 or PS032. Let us dive in together:

Cause 1: Damaged or corrupted tax table file

Note: This solution is applicable only when you are having one version of QuickBooks.

Solution: Downloading QuickBooks and latest payroll tax tables

  • Here under, you will have to remove the existing one and the additional installations.
  • After that go to the help menu and chose update QuickBooks.
  • Furthermore, it is suggested to reset the QuickBooks update.
Update QuickBooks desktop (Screenshot)
  • Along with that, download the latest payroll tax table.
  • Re-sort the lists to user the verify data.
Verify data utility - Screenshot
  • Head forward by performing clean uninstall that too in selective start up.
Perform a clean install of QuickBooks in selective startup mode - Screenshot Image
  • Lastly, update the tax table.

Cause 2: QuickBooks company files are corrupted or damaged

Solution: Running QuickBooks desktop software repair

You might come across with this error in case of damaged company files, or also due to some issue with the software itself. In such a situation, it is recommended to run for the repair of the software. You can carry out the necessary steps involved in running the repair and fixing the technical glitches of the software.

Cause 3: Billing details are out of date or incorrect

Solution: Note the billing information

Often entering incorrect billing details can trigger such an error, as a result of which, it is recommended to ensure that the billing information is correct and appropriate. Moreover, you should note down the QuickBooks license number, by:

  • Tapping onto the F2 key.
Product Information window - Screenshot
  • Keeping a note of the License number.
  • Closing the product information window by clicking on the OK tab.

Also Read: How to Resolve QuickBooks error 15103?

Miscellaneous Solutions to Fix QuickBooks Error PS077 or PS032: When Updating or Downloading Payroll

The above-discussed solutions were segregated according to the respective causes, whereas below are a handful of solutions that can be integrated in case the error cause can’t be identified or if the above solutions failed to fix the issue.

Misc Solution 1: Turn off UAC:

The user account control (UAC), especially when using windows 7 or 8. And try updating the application with the UAC being disabled.

Turn Off UAC in Windows - Screenshot

Misc Solution 2: Steps for only one version of QuickBooks being installed

  • Under such situation, you will have to take a backup of the company file.
  • Close all the running applications.
Close QBW32.exe process - Screenshot
  • Open the run window.
open run command- screenshot

Windows 8:

In case you are Windows 8 user, then you would have to move to the windows system section and open the start screen. Followed by right-clicking the background to All Apps. And clicking on the run tab.

Windows 7 and XP:

If you are currently using windows 7 or XP, then in that case, open the windows start tab and select the Run tab. In case you haven’t logged in with admin rights, then hit the Start tab and opt for the all programs option. Moreover, select accessories and the Run tab, respectively.

Windows Vista:

If you are using windows vista, then click on the vista logo and press Windows + R keys in order to open the run command. After that, continue with the steps below:

  • Here, you will have to open the control panel.
  • And then, navigate to the programs and features and also double-tap the same for adding or removing the programs in windows vista.
  • The ones who are having only one version, need not continue further.
  • The above steps would land you into QuickBooks Desktop installation wizard.
  • Whereas you will then have to click on Next.
  • Furthermore, selecting remove and hitting next is recommended. Also, you should continue with the process as per the requirement.
    • In order to complete the update, the error message must have the option to go online. To retrieve the update, you will have to click on the Yes tab and go online, only if asked to. Or the error might have the option to click on ok tab to go online. Clicking on the ok tab will run the installation automatically, and it might display the same error message again.
    • You are suggested to close QuickBooks on all system if the data files are available on the server. And also run the payroll update from the server. In case the update succeeds on the server, then install it on all other versions of QuickBooks.

Read this also: How to Use QuickBooks Clean Install Tool for Windows?

Misc Solution 3: Change the CPS folder name

  • Under this process, you simply need to open the file explorer by pressing the Windows + E keys.
  • Next, you need to choose the option stating This PC.
  • You need to head to the local disk C.
  • Furthermore, in the event of unable to find the program files, you simply have to open the program files folder.
  • You are now supposed to open QuickBooks desktop folder that resembles your version of the software.
  • Open the components and also go for payroll folder.
  • Right click on the CPS folder and choose the rename folder option.
  • Heading forward, you are supposed to rename it and also enter CPSOLD and then hit enter tab.
  • Make a new CPS folder and open QuickBooks desktop.
  • Download the latest payroll tax table update and you are good to go.

Misc Solution 4: Add a New User Account

Follow the trails provided below to add a new user account.

  • Press the ‘Windows’ key and go to ‘Settings.’
  • In ‘Other Users,’ choose ‘Add Someone Else to this PC.’
Add New Windows Admin User in Windows 10 - Screenshot
  • Also, choose the option ‘I don’t have this Person’s Sign-in Information.’
  • Next, select ‘Add a User Without a Microsoft Account.’
  • A name must be given to the new account.
  • Now select ‘Finish.’
  • Select the account that you’ve set up.
  • After that choose ‘Account Type’ and then select ‘Administrator.’
  • Select ‘OK.’
  • Open QuickBooks and access your company file(s). Hopefully, this time, the QuickBooks problem PS077 or PS032 should not appear.

Misc Solution 5: Use QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool using Tool Hub program

  • Download & Set up QuickBooks Tool Hub on your PC.
  • Launch the tool.
  • Choose the tab labeled ‘Installation Issues.’
Installation issues tab in tool hub program - Screenshot Image
  • Afterward, choose ‘QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.’
  • The diagnosis will take time, depending on the size of the company file.
  • Wait patiently for the diagnosis to conclude.
  • Reboot your system and check if the error got fixed.

Also read: Learn How to troubleshoot the QuickBooks Error code 6190 -816

Misc Solution 6: Rename ‘QBWUSER.ini’ and ‘EntitlementDataStore.ecml’ Files

  • Locate the ‘QBWUSER.ini’ file on your PC and open it.
  • Right-click the file once you’ve found it.
  • Choose ‘Rename.’
  • Add’ .old’ to the end of the existing name.
  • Similarly, rename the ‘EntitlementDataStore.ecml’
Rename the name of the EntitlementDataStore.ecml file or folder - Screenshot Image
  • Now, open QuickBooks software and access your company file.
  • Make a duplicate copy of this file and save it to your computer’s local folder.
  • After that, go to that folder and open your file.
  • Check if the file opens without any error.

Crux of the article!

Disposing of QuickBooks payroll error PS077 or PS032 might seem to be a brainteaser to the majority of the users. Nevertheless, we have tried to summarize the entire set of strategies that can be employed to dump this error in this piece of writing.

Despite that, if you are unable to address the technical glitch, then in such a scenario, we would highly advise you to join hands with a QuickBooks payroll support team of professionals and let us take control of the situation. Do not be diffident about consulting our accounting experts and CPA’s using our dedicated support line i.e. 1-800-761-1787. We will surely assist you will the most viable troubleshooting alternatives there and then.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is payroll errors in QuickBooks?

These payroll errors belongs to the series of PSXXX errors encountered while updating the payroll or while setting up the tax tables in QuickBooks payroll.

How can I fix such error codes in QuickBooks?

The multiple methods for fixing these error codes are:
1. Repair QuickBooks.
2. Turn off UAC.
3. Adding a new user account
4. Change the CPS folder name.
5. Rename the QBUSER.ini file.

What are the different QuickBooks payroll installation errors?

The various installation errors of QuickBooks Payroll encompass Error PS077, Error PS032, QuickBooks code PS036, Error PS038, including other errors of the PSXXX family of error codes.


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