Learn the quick steps to add Outlook as an option to send an email if it’s missing in QuickBooks Desktop:

Unable to spot Outlook in the Send Forms preferences? This can be a very intense situation when the send form preferences miss out on the Outlook option. Microsoft Outlook basically permits you to send numerous forms through email. You can opt for webmail, outlook, or QuickBooks email, depending upon your convenience. In case outlook is missing as one of your options, it can be due to a couple of factors. We will be exploring the issue in detail later in this post. This error can also be seen when you are making use of an Outlook version which is older or we can not be updated. To know more, you can scroll though this post and unleash the fixes.

Whereas, getting rid of Outlook is Missing in QuickBooks Desktop problem becomes easy with a technically sound accounting professional. You can get the best possible and highly customized support services. We would love to resolve the issue for you instantly.

Why Outlook is missing in Send Forms preferences?

If Outlook is missing in Send Forms preferences, then here are some of the possible factors causing this issue:

  • Using a QuickBooks version that doesn’t support Outlook can lead to this error.
  • If there is an issue with Outlook installation.
  • If the profile is not set up in Microsoft Outlook.
  • You can also face this sort of issue if Outlook is not set as the default email program.
  • If the QuickBooks program is hosted on the cloud and the service provider doesn’t have Office installed as a hosted application.

The most important point is that Intuit doesn’t support Microsoft applications. In case you are unable to perform the tasks, it is recommended to consult an IT professional. As, experimenting might cause Windows and MS Office errors or loss of MS Office license number and inability to reinstall.

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Solutions to Fix Error: Outlook is Missing in Send Forms Preferences in QuickBooks

We have a couple of solutions for you that you can incorporate to rectify the outlook missing issue. So, let us check each of the methods one by one:

Method 1: Verifying QuickBooks supports Outlook

It should be noted that the Outlook 2019 version is not compatible with the latest release of QuickBooks 2022. The steps involved in this process are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to select the Option from Microsoft Office Outlook in the Outlook Help menu.
    • After that, Verify the version information and the build number for installing the version of Outlook and also check if the version of Outlook is for easily sending and setting up email.
    • Next step is to Verify the version of the outlook by checking the QuickBooks ribbons.
  • Now verify the relevant version of Outlook based on the Version of QuickBooks.

Method 2: Setting Outlook as default email program

Set outlook as default email program - Screenshot Image

In order to select Outlook as the default mail program, you need to carry out the steps below:

  • The first step is to select the File tab.
  • And then, choose Options.
  • Next step is to select the Startup options, and then under this option, select the Make Outlook the default for email, contacts, and calendars checkbox.

Outlook 2007 and earlier:

  • To begin with, you need to select the Tools and Options tab.
  • Also, click on the Other tab.
  • Followed by selecting the Make Outlook the default program for email checkbox under the General settings.

In case you are having multiple QuickBooks profiles, then the outlook options provide for selecting the Profile every time you startup. In case the profile is not selected as a default, then QuickBooks will not see Outlook, select a profile and then check set as default.

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Method 3: Editing the email profile in Windows

  • For this, close QuickBooks desktop.
  • And then, visit the Windows start menu and also enter the Control panel.
  • Followed by selecting the Control panel and then entering Mail in the search Control panel field.
  • Next step is to select Mail and then choose Show Profiles.
  • Now, mark the Always use this profile checkbox and then hit the OK tab.
Editing the email profile in windows - Screenshot Image
  • Last step is to open QuickBooks and then Set up outlook for email.

In case you are unable to find the mail in the control panel, then you can try other steps.

Method 4: Setting the default email plan on Internet Explorer

  • In the Internet Explorer window, choose select Tools or Internet options.
  • After that, select the Program tab.
  • Also, carry out the instructions for the version of Internet Explorer.

For Internet Explorer Edge and 9.0, 8

  • You need to first click on Set Programs at the bottom of the window.
  • After that, click on Set the Default programs.
  • Also, select the Email applications.
  • And then, select the Set this program as a default and hit the Ok tab.
  • The next step is to select Microsoft Windows.
  • Also, click on the drop-down menu and then choose Use my current Microsoft email program.
  • End this process by clicking on the Ok button.

For Internet Explorer 6.0

  • It is supposed to Close and reopen internet explorer.
  • Also, select Tools and Internet options. The next step is to hit a click on the Program tab.
  • Navigate to the Internet programs, and then select Outlook as the email program. Also, click the OK tab.
  • Now choose the Edit and Preferences option.
  • Also, select the Send forms and click on the My Preferences tab.
Select my preferences option - Screenshot
  • To end the process, sign into the email.

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Method 5: WIN.INI file in Windows

It should be noted that the WIN.INI file is a Windows system file and holds settings, including a few for email.

  • In this process, first press the Windows key and then type C:\Windows\ and hit enter key.
  • Also, click on the right tab on the WIN.INI file and also click on the Option copy and Paste file. The file uses a separate location as a backup. Also, copy and paste the file into a separate location as a backup.
  • After the separation of the file, you need to visit the C:\\windows folder and open the WIN.INI file.
  • In the next step, the file Shows different types of headings. You need to opt for one.
  • You does not show the Mail section, then add it to the end of the file along with the text below.
  • In case the mail section is there, the text is not under that section; you need to Add it.
  • Once done with that, you need to Reboot QuickBooks.
  • Finally, hit a click on the Edit menu and select Preferences and then Send forms preferences.

Method 6: Resolving with Microsoft

It should be noted that this process is intended for a system admin. This process includes editing the registry, that if not done correctly, could result in serious damage to the device. In case the issue remains, the Outlook registry key may be damaged. For that, consult an IT professional.

Method 7: Uninstalling and reinstalling Office and QuickBooks

  • You need to first Uninstall QuickBooks Desktop.
Uninstall or Reinstall QuickBooks - Image
  • And then Uninstall Office.
Uninstall office - Screenshot Image
  • Also, Reinstall Office.

It is important that installing the 64-bit version of Outlook can help in fixing the issue. In case you are not sure if the system supports the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Outlook, then check out this guide from Microsoft.

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Final Words…!

We wind up the article, and the solutions to the outlook is missing issue in QuickBooks desktop over here, with the hope that implementing these methods might help you in getting rid of this error.

However, if it has become almost impossible for you to handle this issue, then we recommend you to contact a professional at 1-800-761-1787, who can guide you through this error. Our QuickBooks error support team are a hub of tech savvy professionals who work round the clock to provide the possible assistance to all users across the globe.


What does it mean when “Outlook is missing” in Send Forms preferences in QuickBooks?

When you encounter the message “Outlook is missing” in the Send Forms preferences of QuickBooks, it infers that QuickBooks is unable to detect or find Microsoft Outlook, which is the default email client used for sending forms (such as invoices, estimates, or reports) directly from QuickBooks.

Can I use an email client other than Outlook with QuickBooks for sending forms?

Yes! Apart from Microsoft Outlook, QuickBooks is compatible with other email clients for sending forms. In the case of a different email client, you should simply opt for the Web Mail option within the Send Forms preferences.

How do I set up a web-based email service in QuickBooks for sending forms?

Follow the set of instructions given below for setting up a web-based email service to send forms:
1. Open QuickBooks and proceed ahead by heading to the Edit menu.
From here, advance to the Preferences tab.
2. Follow up by clicking on Send Forms option.
3. The subsequent step requires clicking on the Web Mail option and then hitting on the Add button.
4. Within the Add Email Info window, type in the email id and then proceed by choosing the email provider.
5. Follow up with the instructions for entering the required information, including the server settings and the authentication details.
6. Culminate by clicking on Ok.

Where is send forms in QuickBooks?

The Send Forms option is accessible in the File menu in QuickBooks.


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