Get to know how to Use QuickBooks Desktop in Multi-Monitor Mode or Multiple Screens:

A significant number of QB users have the propensity to use QuickBooks Desktop on Multi screens with an endeavor to escalate their productivity and efficiency. This is possible by conforming to the new Multi Monitor mode, a feature that is available in QuickBooks Desktop 2018, and newer versions of QuickBooks. This feature has been a great respite for business owners who seek for ways to manage their accounting data. To get into a greater depth to know about the Multi-Monitor mode and how to use QuickBooks desktop on Multiple Screens or in multi monitor mode, dive into the full length of this article.

How Multi-Monitor Mode - Image

Essential Pointers to Note

Users should ensure the following before switching to the Multi screen mode in QuickBooks:

  • Adjusting the font scaling settings (DPI) to the default level of 100% for all the monitors.
  • Making sure that all the monitors have the same screen resolution.
  • Aligning the monitors in the horizontal orientation in the Display settings.
  • Using the toggle option for transiting Windows across different monitors.

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Procedure to Enable QuickBooks Multi-Monitor Mode

In pursuit of enabling QB Multi Monitor mode, users should perform the following steps:

  • Run QuickBooks as an admin by right-clicking on its icon and opting for Run as administrator option.
  • When QuickBooks is running, make a move to the View menu.
Switch to Multi-monitor mode - Image
  • From there, click on the option “Switch to Multi-monitor mode”.

Limitations of QuickBooks Multi-Monitor Mode

While this feature has proved wondrous for business owners, its limitations cannot be overlooked. Some of the major limitations of the QuickBooks Multi-monitor mode are:

When using Single View modeIf users switch to the Single view mode, they will not be able to use the Multi-monitor mode.
Opting for than DPI scaling settingIn case the user sets the DPI to a level other than 100% DPI font scaling, the Multi-Monitor will not work.
Using Third-Party Multi-Monitor ProgramsPertinently, the multi-monitor mode may not be compatible with certain third-party programs like Display-Link, Display-Fusion, etc. Users are recommended to opt for Windows native Multi-Monitor support.
Tile or Cascade WindowsMulti-Monitor mode does not enable the user to switch to the tile or cascade windows.
Moving main program window is prohibitedWhile the Multi-Monitor mode enabled, user will not be able to move the main program window. If the user wishes to move the window, he/she should switch to the Single-monitor Mode.
Horizontal alignment is a prerequisiteFor the Multi-Monitor mode to work seamlessly, all the monitors need to be aligned horizontally.
Incompatibility with the Hosted EnvironmentThe Multi-monitor mode will malfunction in cases where the QuickBooks Desktop program is being run on a hosted environment such as Summit Hosting.

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Some Commonly Encountered Issues when Using QuickBooks on Multiple Screens

Issue 1: Appearance of dialogue boxes on other monitors

With the Multi-monitor mode enabled, certain dialog boxes might not be visible on the screen that is switch on. As a precedent, is the user has the homepage on the left monitor, and he/she opts for Invoices, the Invoices page may show up on the right monitor. In such cases, the user is required to move it manually or toggle it to the left monitor.

Issue 2: Some specific Windows extending in the other monitor

The user may experience certain visual aberrations in the Multi-monitor mode, such as some specific Windows may extend to the other monitor. To get it sorted out, the user needs to move that particular window manually to the correct place. Another approach is to get the Window maximized. This should sort out the issue.

Issue 3: There is a cap on the maximum number of monitors supported by the QuickBooks Multi-Monitor mode

The maximum number of monitors that can be supported by the Multi-Monitor Mode is 3. In case if the number of monitors exceeding 3, the user is required to make a choice of 3 monitors among there monitors for enabling the multi-monitor mode on them.

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Within the ambit of this discussion, this article made an attempt to uncover the different facades related to using QuickBooks on multiple screens or in Multi-user mode. Technical errors are common in QuickBooks. If your software copy has been maligned by such issues, just contact our QuickBooks desktop support team at the helpline i.e., 1-800-761-1787.


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