When you update your payroll or software, you might come across server not responding error. The QuickBooks update server not responding error could be seen with an error code 15215. You might also come across such an error when there is an issue with the internet connection. It is very much essential for you to spot the root cause of the error and try rectify it immediately. The major problem is that you might get server not responding error, when getting program or payroll updates.

If you are also a victim of the server update is not responding issue in your QuickBooks, then in that case, reading this post further would surely be of great help to you. Go through this segment carefully, so as to unleash the process to rectify server not responding error.

How to identify the Server not responding error?

Identifying the error becomes super easy once you are thorough with the below signs and symptoms. Let us have a look:

  • You can easily identify the QuickBooks error if it appears with an error code and crashes all applications repeatedly.
  • Moreover, if the system regularly corrupts with error 15215 when running the exact same program.
  • If the error message pops up on the screen.
  • Your system starts running slow and isn’t responding to your commands.
  • You further can face the same issue if your desktop occasionally freezes for a couple of seconds.

What triggers the QuickBooks error server not responding?

There can be some possible triggers to the QuickBooks update server not responding. We have jotted down the common ones below:

  • One of the major causes can be if the setup is imperfect or corrupted download on QuickBooks software.
  • Another reason can be, any sort of malware or virus that has corrupted Windows system files or QuickBooks payroll program files.
  • Any sort of issues related to the configuration of the internet explorer browser.
  • You might further see the following error when any other application mistakenly deletes QuickBooks-related files.
  • If the internet connectivity is not secure and it is preventing payroll downloads or updates.

Also See: How to Open a company file located on a remote computer?

Methods you can follow to fix QuickBooks update server not responding

You can easily make use of the following methods, so as to get rid of the server not responding issue. Explore each of the method one by one:

Method 1: Verify Use TLS 1.0 is checked, and use TLS 1.1 and use TLS 1.2 are unchecked in the internet options window of internet explorer

  • At first, you need to close the QuickBooks program.
  • In the internet explorer, you need to click on the Tools icon and Internet option icon.
  • Hit a click on the advanced tab.
  • And click on the advanced settings tab, after which you need to search for USE TLS 1.0, USE TLS 1.1, USE TLS 1.2.
Verify TLS 1.0 Settings - Screenshot Image
  • You might not see the following options on the internet explorer version.
  • Moreover, you should confirm USE TLS 1.0 is verified.
  • Confirm that the USE TLS 1.1 and USE TLS 1.2 aren’t verified.
  • Now hit a click on to on to the ok tab to close the window.
  • Also click on the internet explorer.
  • Reboot the system and reopen QuickBooks Desktop when restarted.
  • Try to download the update again.

Method 2: Download the latest update manually

If the first method didn’t work for you, you can simply download the latest update manually. The steps you need to perform are as follows:

  • Start with closing QuickBooks desktop software.
  • And heading to the QuickBooks download and update page.
  • You are then required to choose the country, product and version.
QuickBooks download and update - Screenshot Image
  • And then, click on the search tab.
  • Click on the get the latest updates.
  • And after you have downloaded it, click on to the same.
  • And you are good to go.

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Method 3: Resetting QuickBooks desktop update

Another method that you can opt for is to reset QuickBooks update. Herein the below steps would surely work:

Update QuickBooks desktop to Latest - Image
  • Click on to the update now tab.
Update now - Screenshot
  • Furthermore, check on reset update and click on get updates.
Update QuickBooks desktop (Screenshot)
  • After the update is complete, you need to close QuickBooks.

Method 4: Download Quick fix my program using tool hub

If you haven’t already, then download QuickBooks tool hub using the below steps:

  • Start off with the downloading process of the QuickBooks tool hub and heading to the browser downloads.
  • In the download list, click on to QuickBooksToolsHub.exe
  • You further need to click on the yes tab to allow the app to make changes.
  • Moreover, click on the next tab, so as to install it, and click on yes tab for accepting the license agreement.
  • You are then required to click on next tab and then install.
  • After the installation is complete you need to click on the finish tab.
  • Finally, open your QuickBooks tool hub program.
QuickBooks Tool Hub - Icon

Use quick fix my program

  • After you have installed QuickBooks tool hub.
  • You need to head to the program problems tab and click on the quick fix my program option.
Fix my program Tool hub-screenshot
  • This might take some time to run.
  • Wherein, you would be required to reopen QuickBooks update.

Related post: Fix backup company file issues in QuickBooks Desktop


That was all you should know about fixing QuickBooks update server not responding error. As always, for any further query, comments, or concerns, call us at 1-800-761-1787. Our QuickBooks payroll experts will ensure to provide you with the best possible support services and will fix the error on your behalf.

FAQs related to this error

What is the QuickBooks Server Update not Responding Problem?

The QuickBooks Server Update not Responding Problem generally appears when the accounting program fails to download and install updates from the server. This issue can be incited by network connectivity issues, incorrect firewall settings, or hindrances caused by the antivirus program.

What should I do if none of these steps fix the problem?

If the steps discussed heretofore fail to fix Server Update not Responding error, users should reach out to our technical support team.


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How to Track your cash flow in QuickBooks Desktop?

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