Improper settings and configuration of QuickBooks in multi-user environment often leads to QuickBooks error 80040408. You might come across such an error with a warning message that states “Begin session error code: 80040408 could not start QuickBooks”.

Furthermore, you might find this error code 80040408 to be a bit confusing to handle, considering which, we have created this particular segment, where we will be having an in-depth discussion related to causes and fixes of QuickBooks error message 80040408. Keep stick to the segment and unleash the quick steps to shun off or avoid the error easily. Meanwhile, if you find need of technical support, you may reach out to our ProAdvisor’s by bringing us a call at 1-800-761-1787. On that supportive note, let us move ahead!
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What triggers the QuickBooks error code 80040408?
You might be facing this sort of issue, due to the following factors:
- When you try to open QuickBooks startup option, and it is turned as on, then this error could be seen.
- Moreover, If you are having different QuickBooks file names. Or if a user has opened QuickBooks to a different file or the name of the QB file has been changed by a user in their systems, and no longer matches the name that was originally used when added to the QQube configuration tool heading.
- Another trigger can be when the software is opened by someone else in single-user mode.
- If you have multiple QuickBooks company files at the same time, then such an error could be a great trigger.
- Or, if the QuickBooks software is open to a particular company file before trying to load multiple company files at the same time.
Procedures to Resolve QuickBooks Error Code 80040408
Performing the below procedures can be of great assistance in tackling the QuickBooks error code 80040408. Let us check out the below steps one by one:
Process 1:
- Under this process, you need to Turn off the Quick start feature in QuickBooks.
- Further, move to the general and click on My preferences tab.

- Next step is to uncheck keep QuickBooks running for Quick startup option.
Process 2:
- Herein, you need to open QQube configuration tool.
- Later on, click on Database and then Show more tab.

- Last step is to checkmark the Synchronizer and database manager options in case found unchecked.
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Process 3:
- In this particular method, you need to Open QQube configuration tool.
- And further, click on QuickBooks company list.
- You need to hit a click on Change path at the bottom right corner of the window.
- You further need to Browse and locate the company file on the system.
Process 4:
- Once you open QuickBooks application, make sure to open it up with No company file selected as if there is already a file opened in the application then QuickBooks not permit you to Open multiple files and will give you the error.

Process 5:
- In this particular method, you need to check that the name that you have initially set up in QQube configuration tool for the company file tallies the company file name on the system.
- However, if you are using QuickBooks in a multi-user mode, then it is not possible to make changes to the name of the company file directly from QQube configuration tool. In such situations you can make changes to the company name file only from the server.
Process 6:
This is the last method that you can opt for. Wherein, you need to logout all the other users from QuickBooks account. This can be seen if some other user is trying to perform any administrative task by remotely logging on into QuickBooks.
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Few alternative methods you may try to fix QuickBooks error 80040408
Relocating the company file back to its original location is suggested, in case the error appears after changing the location of the company file. You can perform the below steps:
- Start off with finding the location where the file is currently saved.
- Look for Search bar in the File explorer.
- Copy the file with the .Qbw file extension.
- Paste it on the desktop, so that it can be moved.
- Along with that open the QuickBooks application and click on Open or restore an existing company.
- Also, choose Open a company file and also click on Next tab.
- Now, from the Browse section and locate the file by going to the desktop.
- Next, hit a click on the File and also hit Open tab.
- This will open QuickBooks and now you can easily move the file to any other location.
Final Words..!
That was all that you need to know about the QuickBooks error code 80040408. In case of any query, comments, or concerns, call us at 1-800-761-1787! Our 24/7 QuickBooks error support representatives are ready to help you 24/7, 365 days a year!
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ’s
It is a technical issue that appears when a user tries to access the multi-user mode in QuickBooks.
This error can be incited by the following causes:
1. Multiple QuickBooks files running simultaneously.
2. If the user is having different QuickBooks company file names.
S0000 00000 [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 80040408, Could not start. There can be multiple causes behind to the issue “Could not start QuickBooks”. It represents that your application is running in multi-user mode or QuickBooks and your application is running in two Windows user sessions.
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